Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mural on the Wall

Tonight I began painting a mural on a wall in my room. It was a lot of fun to paint on such a large scale surface and the entire time I was painting I was in an awesome state of bliss, listening to bluegrass songs about losing the one you love and thinking about how everything just works out so perfectly in life, huh?

The whole thing was just a giant metaphor. I kept trying to "see the big picture" but finally surrendered into focusing on the small details of the mural, which will eventually make up the huge mural. The patterns and shapes just flowed out of me when I allowed my mind to cease it's wanting to dictate and plan every little move. My hands took over. At times I would step back and decide where to go next.

I made lots of "mistakes" which later became the perfect layers on which to paint other, different, brighter lines, shapes, patterns, colors..

Lately I've been super jealous of my friend's upcoming backpacking trip across South America. I've kindof been making myself feel "bad" that my life isn't adventurous "enough" right now and that I "should be" or "want to be" planning an epic trip of my own.

I mean, of course I want adventure and travels, but honestly, in the past my "issues" have gotten very in the way of me fully experiencing and living in the moment during my traveling.

I feel like I AM on an epic adventure right now. Living my life in a completely new way .. feeling more free and open than I remember feeling since I was a kid and inspired also.

Re-learning how to eat without fear or compulsion has been and continues to be an eye-mind-heart-body-opening experience :)

I feel like my experience of life is getting better and better every day and whatever I wish to manifest has been happening too :)

For the time being, I am fully content living my simple life, doing yoga, going for jogs with Shadow, making yummy green juices and sauerkraut concoctions .. who knows what kinds of spontaneous random synchronistic psychedelic adventures the winter and spring will offer :)

Love and Randomness

Sofie K

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