Sunday, September 23, 2012

Living with the Julesmaster :))))))))))))

Just got some good news ... Probably going to move in with my bffffff Julie this winter! Yay! Moon baby gets to stay!!!!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Freely Eating

I have recently remembered that through Starbucks we get free employee meals at the Lodge at Vail employee cafeteria... Why have I not been taking advantage of this before???

The photo is one of my more recent meals .. A beautiful salad with roasted potatoes and steamed veggies. I bought some nice dressing to put on the salad because the Italian dressing at the lodge tastes like dirty socks to me.

In other news, the Blu Ox aka my van is out of commission for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. This time the power steering went out and it is severely over heating every time I run it. That red sandstone road to Piney is gorgeous but treacherous for my beater ... Last time it broke down was the same day I was returning from camping over there , just like today. I'm bummed. Oh well trying to keep it positive :)

Freely living , or trying at least :) My latest trip to the car doctor cost me $424 on top of the 2 new tires which where $250 so along with the $1700 I spent on it with colorado registration plus gas, this car has been anything but free... Maybe it's time to reconsider my ownership of the blue bohemoth....

With love always,


Monday, September 3, 2012

Freely calm

Got a blown out tire today... Yes there was a little frustration but I handled the situation with some surprising calm . Yes I was stuck on the side of the road yes I probably would have to pay lots of money for a tow but that's what I had to do so I reached for my phone to call west vail shell service station and before I could dial 1800 free411 a man names joe from Minturn pulled over and let me use his AAA to get a free tire change and tow wow! Thanks joe! Ended costing me 10$ for a tire plug on another tire that had a screw in it and I tipped the nice man who came I tow my car $10 too. Thanks forever everyone! And the best thing is I'm not even stressed out about it. Things happen we can always choose calmness and a smile because everything will be ok. Now thats freely living!
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