Friday, October 5, 2012

Internet Cleanse

Too much internet time. Too much mind-distracting from facing difficulties that arise within it.

I should take a break from surfing the webs. I dislike TV (most of the time), yet I use the internet in the same way.

So what am I trying to achieve? A more honest, genuine, easy conversation between myself and my mind to gain depth in understanding to what is really going on in there. What are really the motivations behind my thoughts, actions, re-actions. I want to change some of those things and in order to do that I need to fully understand why I do them in the first place right?

I want to become intimately interested in everything about my-self and that means going deep. That means confronting the hardest ugliest most stubborn parts of me and sitting down together like two dear friends, catching up. Asking how they are doing. Actually listening. Not thinking that I already know. Not assuming.


Sofie K. 

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